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TurboTax Home & Business Federal & State Returns + Federal E-File 2013 - Mac/Windows
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Customer Reviews for TurboTax Home & Business Federal & State Returns + Federal E-File 2013 - Mac/Windows
Customer Rating
Turbo tax Home and Business
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: Anonymous
from ardmore Ok
it is the worst turbo Tax i have every used. i use it often but this is probably the last time i will use this product. while it is Quick i am sure it has missed something and that will come back to haunt me.
What's great about it: Quick
What's not so great: it misses things and doesn't alert, then gives you an error message but doesn't take you to where you can fix it or even
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
Consistently Great Service Every Year!!
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: LoyalCustomer58
from Salem, OR
I have been with Intuit Turbo Tax since 1988 and there's no other product or company that can come even close to what Intuit has and can deliver. I have tried the other competing companies products and will never again.
What's great about it: Always Easy and Intuitive
What's not so great: Absolutely Nothing!
Pros: I had a baby, My job status changed this year (switched jobs, lost a job, got a raise or promotion), I moved, I bought or sold investments
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: OREN2
I have used Turbo for many years. When something doesn't work, it has been my experience that it is virtually impossible to resolve it. This year all the personal info transferred but none of the 2012 numbers. In trying to resolve it I would have lost all of the 2013 business entries. I tried to be contacted by a representative ( call wait was 15 min.) I waited two days and was still never contacted.
What's great about it: It's Turbo Tax
What's not so great: Poor Transfer
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
Was able to get a refund this year
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: bdickens111
from Batavia, IL
Couldn't efile my state taxes. That wasn't a good thing.
What's great about it: Easy to follow
What's not so great: Long process
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
If I can do it...
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: rojojones
from Jacksonville, FL
Overall, very comprehensive and easy to follow. Couldn't believe I was able to complete our return in one afternoon. Step by step process. If you have all your info organized, Turbo Tax should be a breeze. Love the audit protection!
What's great about it: Step by step process, easy to follow; complete
What's not so great: Didn't flag a partially completed section, depreciation
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
Turbotax iw Tops!
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: Michael15
from Richmond, CA
In years earlier I did my forms by myself using the IRS instructions. I thought I did well but I think I would have kept more of my deducted taxes if I had used Turbotax. The software forces one to consider all relevant issues and as a result prevents many mistakes. Glad I started using it.
What's great about it: Thesoftware is very organized but allows you to follow its order or to skip around
What's not so great: A few areas regarding deductions were more detailed than I recorded but I was still able to work with it
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: GovernmentBank
from Chandler, AZ
I like Turbo Tax because IT keeps track of all the information I enter and fills in other areas the require the same information. No complicated mess of keeping track of dollar amounts and manually doing the math and ensuring info is going to correct line.
What's great about it: The way I can "walk through" each section.
What's not so great: Making sure every question is answered.
Pros: My job status changed this year (switched jobs, lost a job, got a raise or promotion)
Written by a customer while visiting
Customer Rating
Single tax solution for the entire family
on April 12, 2014
Posted by: Opus42
from Raleigh, NC
I have used TurboTax for about 10 years and it has continued to improve. The user interface is very intuitive (no pun intended). However, the long list of business or personal deductions can be quite long and requires me to scroll down to click the next. I think the categories should be collapsed until they are active in he step-by-step wizard (click on an arrow to display the category).
I have prepared both my mother's and father's taxes who only need a simple 1040, as well as my more complicated schedules. All for the same low price.
The last step is e-filing. The Federal returns are free, but filing State returns can cost. I prefer to use my credit card to pay. TurboTax asks for the typical billing information (not the CVV), but requires a valid phone number. This seems excessive. I would make the phone number optional. I also recommend that an unmistakable notification state that the credit card will not be charged until the return has been transmitted and accepted.
Lastly, I have at least the last 2 year's versions of TurboTax on my PC just in case I need to review my returns or amend. There is an IntuitUpdate service that continues to run in the background. There is no convenient way to disable this service without uninstalling. I recommend providing an option to disable this service.
Overall, I give TurboTax 2013 an 8-out-of-10. I recommend TurboTax as a cost effective and easy to use tax tool.
What's great about it: Step-by-Step guide. Context-specific help.
What's not so great: Collects unnecessary billing information.
Pros: My job status changed this year (switched jobs, lost a job, got a raise or promotion)
Written by a customer while visiting