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tooshort74's Reviews
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 Copycat [Blu-ray] [1995]
Copycat [Blu-ray] [1995]
copycat is a pretty good thriller
Customer Rating
4.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on May 10, 2015
copycat is pretty good thriller it is kinda like a cat and mouse game because you never know who will live or die until the end and it keeps you guessing what going to happen next and the blu-ray is better than the dvd so well worth up grading to blu-ray over the dvd so if you can find it for 10 bucks or less than i would pick it up and it is no where near as good as seven but still a good thriller to watch
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 1941 [Blu-ray] [1979]
1941 [Blu-ray] [1979]
1941 is a funny goofy movie
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on May 9, 2015
1941 is a funny goofy movie from steven spiel-berg because like his films are classics like jaws e.t jurassic park duel and of corse the first 3 jones films so if you want to watch a goofy funny movie than watch 1941 and the blu-ray is alot better than the dvd and the blu-ray has all the extras that was on the blu-ray so if you are a fan of this movie well worth upgrading from dvd to blu-ray because picture alone looks way better than dvd ever did and the audio sound very clear so check it out
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 1941
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 The Adventures of Ford Fairlane [Blu-ray] [1990]
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane [Blu-ray] [1990]
adventures of ford fair-lane is a goofy 90's movie
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on May 9, 2015
adventures of ford fair-lane is a good funny goofy movie that came out in the 90's when i first saw this when it was first release on vhs back in the 90's i was shock how funny it was bc it has alot of one liners that are funny as can be to bad it was not a hit at the box-office i have seen this 100's of time and it never gets old and i have own it on vhs dvd and now blu-ray the blu-ray is a little better than the dvd so if you can find it cheap i would pick it up and the music in it is good late 80's and 90's music so if you are a fan of this movie i would pick it up worth owning
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Convoy [Blu-ray] [1978]
Convoy [Blu-ray] [1978]
convoy is a good 70's movie about tuck drivers
Customer Rating
4.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on May 9, 2015
convoy came out on the heels of smokey and the bandit so it was not as big hit as smokey was but it is still a very good movie about truck drivers and it has some humor but no way near as the humor that is in smokey has in it but convoy is a good movie from start to finish and the blu-ray looks and sounds very good and well worth owning on blu-ray so if you have not seen it before i would check it out worth seeing and owning
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Lucy [2 Discs] [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray/DVD] [2014]
Lucy [2 Discs] [Includes Digital Copy] [Blu-ray/DVD] [2014]
lucy is one of the worst movies of 2014
Customer Rating
1.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 16, 2015
when i first saw the trailer for the movie lucy i was like this is going to be a good action movie than when i saw it i was dead wrong bc it is one of the dumbest movies i have ever seen and a waste of time it starts out good but by the end of the movie it is a waste of time so don't waste your money or time on this junk bc it is no good there are alot better films out there than this junk
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
1out of 3found this review helpful.
 Escape from L.A. [Blu-ray] [1996]
Escape from L.A. [Blu-ray] [1996]
escape from L.A
Customer Rating
4.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 15, 2015
well what can i say about escape from l.a it is a sequel to the classic movie escape from new york and it is not no where near as good as escape from new york but escape from l.a is a pretty good movie and a not bad sequel to the classic first one but well worth watching and owning on blu-ray so if you want a fun no brainer action movie than watch escape from l.a too bad it bomb at the box office bc i read that if it was a hit that there was going to be a third one but since it was a bomb we will never see a third one
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Starship Troopers [Blu-ray] [1997]
Starship Troopers [Blu-ray] [1997]
starship troopers is a good sci/fi movie
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 15, 2015
starship troopers is a good sci/fi action movie that when i first saw the movie trailer i was like wow and when i went and watch it in theaters i was like wow bc it is a good popcorn sci/fi movie and the blu-ray is amazing bc it looks and sounds good and the blu-ray has all the extra that was on the dvd but i can say it looks and sound alot better on blu-ray so if you can find it for 10 bucks or less pick it up bc it is well worth owning on blu-ray and if you have home theater than this is the one to show off to your friends
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Rambo [Extended Cut] [Blu-ray] [2008]
Rambo [Extended Cut] [Blu-ray] [2008]
rambo is the 4th movie
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 14, 2015
well all i can say is rambo part 4 is alot better than 3 and almost as good as 2 bc it has alot of good action and rambo does what he does best i was shock that how good this movie was bc i went and saw it in theaters and i was like wow this is a good action movie and now i been hearing that they are making a 5th one and the way the 4th movie ended it does not need another sequel bc it ended on a good note so no need for another sequel so if you are a fan of rambo than check this one out bc it is a good rambo sequel
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Red Planet [Blu-ray] [2000]
Red Planet [Blu-ray] [2000]
red planet is a lot better than it gets credit for
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 14, 2015
red planet is a good movie and alot better then the movie mission to mare that came the same year as red planet i saw mission to mar in theaters and it was just ok at best but i skip red planet in theaters and just blind buy it on dvd when it came out and i was shock how much better it was than mission to mars and when it came out on blu-ray i bought again and all i can say it looks and sound good on blu-ray and it has all the extras that the dvd had on it so if you like red planet than i would check it out on blu-ray
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
1out of 1found this review helpful.
 Blade [Blu-ray] [1998]
Blade [Blu-ray] [1998]
blade was not the first super-hero movie
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 14, 2015
blade is a very good super hero movie and when it came out in 98 in theaters people love it i saw it and i was shock bc it did live up to it's movie trailer and it is a good movie from start to finish and the blu-ray look and sounds good to and it sequels wear just ok i thought the second one was just ok and the problem with the third one was it was just to campy and to goofy it is not bad to say but worth watching and snipes plays blade very well so check it out
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
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