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tooshort74's Reviews
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 Torque [Blu-ray] [2004]
Torque [Blu-ray] [2004]
torque not that bad of a movie
Customer Rating
4.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on April 1, 2015
torque is a popcorn action movie with some one funny one liners so if you want a goofy popcorn movie than watch torque and the blu-ray looks amazing and the 5.1 surround sound is one you show off bc the base alone will rock your house so if you want a fun but goofy movie than watch torque and if you can find this blu-ray for 10 buck or under than pick it up
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Tremors [Blu-ray] [1990]
Tremors [Blu-ray] [1990]
tremors is an all time classic
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 31, 2015
well all i can say is tremors is a classic through back to the classics horrors films if you want to see a classic horror movie than watch tremors and it is well worth owning and i saw this in theaters when it came out and it was amazing film from start to finish and kevin bacon is awesome in this film bc he has some good funny one liners and the rest of the cast is great too to bad none of the sequels wear not even close as good as the first one and well worth buying on blu-ray and the blu-ray has all the extras that was on the dvd
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Running Scared [Blu-ray] [2006]
Running Scared [Blu-ray] [2006]
running scared is one of the best action&drama
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 31, 2015
all i can say is running scared is one awesome action drama films i have seen bc from the time it starts to the finish it keeps you in your seat and this is one of paul walker's best films that he has done so if you want a very good action/drama film than watch running scared and the blu-ray looks and sound good and it has all the extras that the dvd had on it and now i just wish they would release narc on blu-ray
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
1out of 1found this review helpful.
 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective [Blu-ray] [1994]
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective [Blu-ray] [1994]
ace Ventura pet detective is a classic
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 31, 2015
ace Ventura is one of the funnest movies that jim carry has ever made i saw this back in the 90's in theaters and laugh so hard from start to finish bc it is so funny and all around good comedy so if you want to see a funny comedy than watch ace Ventura and all i can say is the sequel is ok at best but no where near as good as the first one so check this one out and if you can find it on blu-ray for 10 bucks or under i would pick it up
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Hardware [Blu-ray] [1990]
Hardware [Blu-ray] [1990]
hardware one of a kind movie
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 30, 2015
hardware is one of a kind of movie and it is one of my all time fav movies bc it not like any other movie out there but if you want a good movie from start to finish than i would watch this movie and when i first rented this back in the day on vhs i was shock how good this movie was and when i heard it was on blu-ray i bought it and all i can say it looks and sound amazing on blu-ray and it has good extras on it too so if you want a one of a kind of a movie than check this movie out
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
2out of 2found this review helpful.
 Die Hard: 25th Anniversary Collection [5 Discs] [Blu-ray]
Die Hard: 25th Anniversary Collection [5 Discs] [Blu-ray]
This box set contains the original Die Hard, as well as Die Hard 2, Die Hard With a Vengeance, and Live Free or Die Hard as well as an extensive documentary about the successful franchise.
die hard box set is a good box set
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 30, 2015
die hard box set is an awesome movie box set and this set includes one through four witch are very good action movies and i am glad this box set does not include the fifth film bc the fifth film is a very bad movie and not worth watching at all bc it is just bad all the way around but this box set is well worth owning the only down side is the the fourth film is only the pg-13 version not the unrated but other than that this box set is very good and if you want a good action movie box set than i would buy this blu-ray box set
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Phone Booth [Blu-ray] [2003]
Phone Booth [Blu-ray] [2003]
phone booth
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 30, 2015
wow all i can say is phone booth is an awesome nail biter on the edge of your seat from start to finish so if you want a good thriller on the edge of your seat i would say check out phone booth and the cast is very good and it has some very funny parts in it so check it out
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 The Flintstones [Includes Digital Copy] [UltraViolet] [Blu-ray] [1994]
The Flintstones [Includes Digital Copy] [UltraViolet] [Blu-ray] [1994]
Flintstones movie is a pretty good filmily film
Customer Rating
4.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 30, 2015
Flintstones is not that bad of a family film i saw this when it came out in theaters back in 94 and i like it bc when i went to see it i was not sure if it was going to be any good and i was shock bc i did like it and it is pretty good movie that was base off the saturday morning cartoon and john goodman plays fred Flintstone very well and even looks like him and it is good movie for the whole family to watch and the blu-ray looks and sounds better than the dvd and the blu-ray has all the extras that was on the dvd so if you are a fan of the movie than i would buy it on blu-ray
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 The Sandlot [20th Anniversary Edition] [2 Discs] [Blu-ray/DVD] [1993]
The Sandlot [20th Anniversary Edition] [2 Discs] [Blu-ray/DVD] [1993]
sandlot is one of the better sports family films
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 29, 2015
sandlot is one my all time favorite sport family films that has come out bc it has a great cast and good story and there are parts that are very funny and it has heart too so if you want to watch a very good family sport movie than i would watch the sandlot bc how good it is and it looks good on blu-ray and i wish now they would release bad news bears the 70's version and the babe with john goodmen on blu-ray than i can have all my favorite family sports movie on blu-ray
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
 Fried Green Tomatoes [Includes Digital Copy] [UltraViolet] [Blu-ray] [1991]
Fried Green Tomatoes [Includes Digital Copy] [UltraViolet] [Blu-ray] [1991]
fried green tomatoes is one of the all time best
Customer Rating
5.0 out of 5
Posted by: tooshort74
from grove city ohio
on March 29, 2015
fried green tomatoes is a great movie bc it has a good story and good acting and i was shock how good it is when i first saw this back in the 90's i thought going into it i would not like it but i was wrong it is a very good movie from start to finish and i have own it on vhs and dvd and when i heard it was coming out on blu-ray i bought it and it is well worth an upgrade from dvd to blu-ray and it has all the extras that the dvd had so if you are a fan of the movie i would buy it on blu-ray bc it is worth owning
I would recommend this to a friend!
My Best Buy number: 0423558249
0out of 0found this review helpful.
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