Hey, Ninny. There's a bit that goes into completely address that question, but to start, that would depend on how the student will need to use their computer specifically. For example, some schools require that students use a form of secure browser that in order to access, it would need to be downloaded from online. This Flex 5i ships with Windows 11 Home in S mode operating system preinstalled, which prevents using apps that are not offered in the Microsoft Store (specialty applications like previously alluded generally are not in the Microsoft Store). Now you can switch to standard Windows 11 Home, and this would overcome that obstacle, but that decision is up to you, as this is just a disclosure as we look to help find what will work for you and the student. Should the design, specifications and features satisfy your needs and preferences, this Flex could be a great fit for you both. To help ensure you are confident in your investment, we recommend going into Best Buy stores and working with an advisor to get expert help or you can virtually shop with an expert online via this Best Buy online link: https://www.bestbuy.com/services/triage/shopping?cat=cnt&subcat=comp
5 months, 1 week ago
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Lenovo Product Expert