I have had my laptop for less than a month and it will not turn on, suggestions?
It shut off while typing and I let it charge 4 hours but nothing comes on no lights, sounds just a whole lot of nothing. I have only had the laptop 3 weeks...
This system is equipped with the OneKey Recovery System. There is a very small button on the right side of the device. You will need a pen or pencil to push the button. The OneKey Recovery System will allow you to boo the device if it will not start any other way. Plug the device in. Let the battery charge for a short time, then push the OneKey Recovery Button with a pen or pencil. The system should boot to a screen that will let you choose to normal boot to desktop or restore the system to factory default. Try booting to desktop first to see if you can repair the issue. You may want to follow the link below to Lenovo.com support-drivers and look for driver updates for your specific system. Once you have corrected the issue, create a restore point on your system:
8 years, 6 months ago
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Lenovo Product Expert