Is this product built in Asia, Mexico or the USA?
There is a retailer showing a REAL CHEAP price on this product on the internet. They have the same model number attached to 2 different units, and 2 different prices (about $900 apart!). The least expensive is the model built in Asia and the other unit is built in Mexico. All the features are the same, however the Asia built one doesn't claim 1 billion colors!!! I am very skeptical of this retailer and the big price difference!
Be cautious, as Samsung Authorized Resellers (like Best Buy) have agreed to ethical practices when selling our products. If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. We don't offer two models with the same number and "upgrade" sets. We are aware of this practice, and encourage you to purchase from Authorized resellers as a measure of protection for you.
A list of resellers can be found here:
Thanks for sharing your concerns.
--Mr. S