Set up question
We have a pretty straight-forward set up - Comcast cable box and this new tv. While we have been able to set up the cable, the crispness of the HD does not match our old set. Which makes me think something was done wrong setting it up. When we scanned for channels during set up, only one digital channel was found. Could this be why the pic is not as crisp? Thanks
You might try checking to make sure that the cable box is connected and sending an actual 1080p of 720 signal.
If you're using a cable box, don't scan for channels, but instead turn to the HDMI or RGB input.
If you're not using a cable box, the signal strength and other factors may affect the picture quality for playback.
You might have a Best Buy Geek Squad agent check out your setup to make sure that you're getting the most out of your services, too. The technology generally gets better each year, so it not looking "as crisp" as a previous model suggests that there might be a connection or setup situation that might be readily fixed.
--Mr. S