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You could check in your local area for a “Dub House”. This is a place that does video duplications and video conversions. If one is not listed in the yellow pages call a local TV station and ask if they know of one.
You can also try coping the tapes yourself by getting a VHS-C adapter:
so you can play the tapes in a full size VHS deck. Then you can connect to a DvD recorder or other device and make copies.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

why when i hook up my usb cord into my camera my pictures don't upload?

There can be any number of reasons why this could be happening. A bad cable could be one. Compatibility issue could be another. One of the common problems is an issue on some cameras where there is a corruption on the memory card where it will only read through a Card Reader and not on the camera. When the card is re-formated this usually goes away.
If when you connect the camera to the computer you hear and see some indication that the connection has been established, you should be able to go to “My Computer” and see the addition of another drive. Usually named “Removable Media”. If you don't hear or see an indication that the camera and computer have connected (and the camera is on) than it is probably a bad USB cable. If everything seems to connect and there is no drive icon than it my be a driver issue. Go the the manufactures website and update the driver for that camera model and try again.
A easy solution is a multi card reader. That way you can leave the card reader attached to you computer at all times and don't have to use you camera to upload your photos.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

I am looking for a cable that I can download into my computer. I have a Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV608

Iam looking for a cable that I can download into my computer. I have a Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV608
The Sony Handycam Vision CCD-TRV608 is a Hi8, analog video camcorder. It uses a A/V (Audio Video) cable that is 1/8 inch connector on one end with Red (Right Audio), White (Left Audio) and Yellow (Composite Video) on the other. This cable is used to play recorded video to a monitor or recording devise such as a DvD recorder.
A USB cable (standard connections) is used to connect to a computer to transfer still photos stored on the Sony Memory Stick. Video cannot be transferred by USB.
Both the A/V cable and the USB cable are available at most BestBuy stores.

If you want to capture footage to the computer you can use a DV bridge like the Dazzle from Pinnacle:
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

what cameras are vista compatible?

Very few cameras are not Vista compatible so the list would be rather long. If there is any doubt check the packaging and look for the Vista logo. Some older but still active models may not be Vista friendly and might require are firmware update or patch to work. These can be easily updated online.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What is the best digital camera for videotaping?

I am going to a concert and I would like to film some of it, what is the best digital camera for this? I would like clear footage and sound. And I would like to be able to zoom in. Also, the what is the longest amount of time I can tape?
I'm not sure if you are looking for a Video Camcorder or a Digital (still) Camera. This question showed up in the Digital Camera section. general:
Digital Cameras don't record very good audio and they don't use tape. Some Digital cameras do capture video (with sound) in very good quality, such as the Nikon D90 found here:

As for Camcorder, take a look at the Canon XHA1HD:
This camcorder uses a miniDV tape and could give you up to 90mins record time in standard mode with great audio by using the built in XLR inputs. This would allow you to use a shotgun mic or patch into an Audio Mixing board and get direct line input.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

easy to use digital camera

I woud like to join in on the digita camera what would suggest for a new user?
I wish it was as simple as saying...”Get this's perfect for beginners”...but I cant do that.
When starting out in the Digital era, it's best for you to look at what needs you have for your “camera to be”.
Do you want small and compact to fit in a pocket and take with you every where? Than a compact or slim line camera is for you and not a Advanced or D-SLR. Do you want to take sports and action photos and want the camera to have a quick response time and expandable? Than a compact would be too slow and frustrating and cannot be expanded to grow with you... so you'll need to look at a D-SLR.
If you have any SLR film experience it will translate over to the D-SLR cameras.

Setting a budget can be an extent. High end Compact, Advanced and entry level D-SLR cameras are now only a few dollars away from each other. Making the choice more difficult for beginners. So deciding what type of photography you might want to do will help give you a direction of which camera type to look at.

Cameras need to feel right to You, in Your hand. Go to your nearest BestBuy and try a few at the demo counter. See which one is small or fast enough, easy to understand and feels right in your hand.
Keep in mind that “Point n Shoot” is a feature...not a type of camera. ALL cameras have a full auto mode. Be it a $99 compact to a $5000 Pro D-SLR....they ALL have a full auto mode making them a Point n Shoot.
Hope this helps and you find YOUR photography is fun and the possibilities are endless.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Website that explains how to publish video/pics on the web?

I'd like to find a website that explains the basics of taking your pictures/videos and posting them on the internet. I have baby pictures that I would like to share with family/friends, but don't know much about which websites to publish them on or what file types I should upload (formats). Is there a place that explains how to do this in a simple way? Thanks!
There are some websites that explain video and image settings for web upload but most of these are trying to sell or promote a specific program to do this.
Most web sites that take photo submission have the required specs listed in the upload page. A safe size to use that will look great is:
750x500(533) at 150dpi (resolution). If your photo editing program has the option to “save for web” or something similar, use it.
First take the “Original “ image and open it in your photo editing software. Find the “Image Size” tool and change it to 150dpi first and than re-size it to 750x500( or 533 if it looks distorted). You might want to use a “Sharpen” filter if it looks a little blurry. Then “Save Image for Web” (or what you have that is like that) and your ready to upload.
As for video, sites like YouTube have their own way they want their videos to be uploaded. Some camcorders are designed to save in this format and there are many conversion programs that will change your existing footage to video for YouTube. Other sites may have their own way of doing video too. If you just want to email your videos they can be converted to a smaller mpeg format with conversion progams.
To view what programs we have available for Photo and Video follow this link:
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

optical view finder

can you lidt the digital point and shoots that have optical view finder
Very few Compact Cameras have viewfinders. And what few do, the viewfinder is always at a slight offset from the lens position. It's more of a “Peephole”. Only a D-SLR will give true Through The Lens view finding. Here are two compacts with viewfinder.
The Canon Powershot A1000IS:

and the Sony DSC-W120:
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

view hi 8 video cassette or convert

I have alot of video cassettes that i would like to see but i no longer have the video camera. I know there a tape that you can view it through vhs but its diffcult to find or can i convert them to dvds.
Hi8 and regular 8 can be played back on most Digital 8 camcorders and decks. However, these are getting harder to find. You might find some online and at eBay. There is no tape converter for playing back Hi8 on VHS because the tape size is physically different (8mm vs ½ inch).
You might want to check if there is a local dub house in your town. These are generally place where tapes are taken to be changed from one format to another and multi copies are made.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

what is mini-dv?

Mini-DV is a small tape that stores Digital Video in Standard Definition format. Some are setup for HD-Dv and some are in the DV-CAM (Sony) and Pro series (Panasonic).
Mini-DV are generally 60 minuets in length, some camcorders have a LP mode that will get you 90mins of record time.
15 years, 7 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM