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Which camera is best for taking action volleyball shots?

I have a Nikon camera D40 that I purchased at Costco. It doesnt seem to be fast enough to catch the action without blurring the picture. What can I do? Should I get a faster camera or am I doing something wrong?
Good Sports photography is a matter of Light and Shutter Speed and how fast the Burst mode of a camera is. The D40 is a good camera but at only 6.1 megapixels you will loose a lot in cropping. But lets address getting better photos with what you have first.
You need to be in Manual Mode.
Set the ISO on the camera to 800. Yes, this is high. Yes, it will give you a slightly grainy image, but it will remove the blur from having a too slow shutter speed. What is happening now is your shutter is staying open a long time to allow a lot of light to hit the sensor. When the ISO is set high it needs less light so the shutter can be set fast to “Freeze” the action.
Next set the Aperture to around 9 or 10. This is how much light is let in. The smaller the number (4 or less) the more light that is let in and the faster the shutter can be. The larger the number (22 or more) the less light and the shutter has to stay open longer. That is why a Lens with a small Aperture number, say 1.2 or 2.8 is called a “Fast Lens”, because you can use Higher Shutter speeds. This also affects the Depth of Field (DOF). When the Aperture number is low and the Shutter high, only things close to the camera will be in focus and thing will get progressively blurry the farther away they get.
With these 2 things set you now adjust the Shutter speed until the meter (you see it in the bottom of the view finder when you look through the eyepiece) is at the center position. Now you have the right exposure. Your now ready to start shooting. You may have to constantly adjust the Shutter while following the action.
There will be cropping. A higher megapixel camera would be better at this point. When you have a 6mp image and you crop out half you are left with only a 3mp image. Not much left. The higher megapixel you start with the better.
Quick note about “Burst Mode”. This is where the more expensive cameras come into play. Burst mode on the D40 is only 2.5 frames per second and it take several seconds to write the information and clear the buffer before you can start shooting again. The D90 shoots at 4.5fps and clears the buffer much faster. Higher end cameras are around 6fps and keep shooting as long as you keep the shutter button pushed.
And lastly a 300mm lens of any speed is desirable to zoom in on the action. Fast lens are very expensive but worth it in the long run. The faster the lens the lower you can keep the ISO and have sharper images with less or no grain (Noise).
Hope this helps....good luck.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Which camera has a GPS built in it?

Most of the cameras on the market today that do Geotagging are GPS capable and need the GPS unit to do the Geotagging. Some GPS hand held units will do this and there are some units that are just taggers like the GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr™ for Digital Cameras. I'm not aware of any cameras that have built in GPS yet.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What is the best camera for sports action photos?

I need a camera to capture my kids sports photos. I want to be able to get close ups from the stands. Also, are there ones that take still and video? I am new at the photography thing. I have a budget of up to $800.
The Best camera for Sports Action Photography is a D-SLR. The Nikon D90 with a 300mm zoom lens will take spectacular shots and can record video at 24p, but is well over the $800 budget. Very few D-SLR cameras have video capability. There are a lot to choose from that will be good for sports photography such as the Canon XS, Nikon D60 and Sony a300 to name a few. These would be great starter cameras, work well for sports and priced right to still allow you to add the 300mm lens for shooting from the stands.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Whats wrong with my Pro Duo?

I have a sony camera and I used the cable to download my pics to my computer. I didnt delete any pics from the card but now when I try to review my pics on my camera it says "no file" and acts like there isnt any pics on it. but then when i hook up my camera to the computer again they are all there. So my pics are still on the card but not showing up on the camera. this has happened to 3 of my cameras? how do i fix this and prevent it from happening again?
This has happened on several Sony cameras I have seen. Seems that when the camera is connected to a computer and used as a external storage device that the directory on the memory stick gets messed up and the camera cannot read the directory, subdirectory and folders anymore. The computer still sees them because it is looking at the cameras as a mass storage unit. This does happen more commonly when the names of the photos are changed on the memory stick while the camera is connected. Using a multi card reader seems to read the stick without corrupting the file system but if the names are changed on the stick the camera will not see them anymore.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What is the difference in digital and SLR?

The Digital uses a Sensor to basically scan a image delivered by the lens into digital components and stores this image on a removable media. The sensor is usually a CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) or CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) and sets in the same area as the Film in a traditional camera. The sensor on compact and advanced digital cameras are about the size of a Dime. Sensors on a D-SLR come in twos sizes. Slightly larger than a nickel and the full size sensor (35mm film size).
Compact cameras have a LCD Screen that is used in place of a view finder (eyepiece) to compose the shot. This does not give a good representation of the final image. SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras allow the photographer to “See Through the Lens” via Eyepiece to compose a better shot. The image comes though the lens (TTL) and it reflected by a pentaprism or penta-mirror to the eyepiece. When the Shutter release button is pushed the Reflex Mirror (or Prism) flip out of the way and allows the image to be exposed to the sensor (or film).
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

How to copy from camera?

I have a JVC GR-DA30U, I was wanting to know how and what i need to copy my tapes to a dvd on my computer. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks
The JVC GR-DA30U is a Mini-DV camcorder and has a i-link (Firewire IEEE1394) connection port on the camera body. If you have a Firewire port on your computer you can capture footage to your computer with editing software or if you have Vista just connecting the camera and turning it on will let Vista know to step you through the capturing process. If you don't have any of these you can get a Dazzle from Pinnacle to capture using A/V (Audio Video) cables then burn a DvD.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

what camera does the flash automatically for you

All camera with a built in flash will automatically enable when in auto mode. Some models with a Pop-Up flash will either pop-up or give you an indication that the flash needs to be opened.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

i dont know what camera i should get can you help?

Well i need a new video camera i make youtube videos i want a video camera that i can hold with my palm and is fairly small and i want it to have a good battery life. and an sd card slot and doesint need alot of light to make it clear if you know what i mean. and that is good quility and is in the range of 100-200 dollars :) thanks.
There are plenty of Camcorders that work well for YouTube Videos that are in that price range. The pistol grip style camcorders are easy to use palm wise. However part of what you pay for on more expensive camcorders is low light reliability. Inexpensive models are not usually good in low light. Battery life will be about same for all models, averaging around 45mins unless you change to a high capacity battery that might get up to 2hrs.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Nikon Coolpix P80 OR Nikon SLR D40

I've a budget of $500 and want to buy a advanced camera then by current Canon Powershot A70. I'm confused between Nikon Coolpix P80 and Nikon SLR D 40. I know these are 2 different technologies but since I've a low budget, I'm confused whether I should buy low end D40 Nikon SLR or buy advanced digital camera Nikon Coolpix P40.
Both are good cameras and will give you good photos. The difference is the D-SLR will grow with you as you grow as a photographer. An Advanced camera will not. Also the Sensor on a D-SLR is larger and that will give you better clarity, color and light sensitivity. Evan thow the Coolpix P80 is a 10.1 megapixel and the D40 is a 6.1, the image will be noticeably better on the D40. Battery life will be longer on a D-SLR. You have Changeable lenses vs a fixed lens on an Advanced. No Shutter lag time and faster burst mode on a D-SLR. As far as ease of use...ALL D-SLR cameras have a FULL Auto mode that make them a Point-and Shoot.
True that Advanced Cameras have a “Movie Mode”...but consider that this mode is designed for e-mail quality video and may be seldom used.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

good mid priced camera

i'm looking for a camera that i can take portraits with. not sure about an advanced or an slr? i don't want to spend $1000's, but i don't want a cheapie either, i have between $250-500 to spend. i also want one that has a QUICK recovery and i don't need video. Help!!! also, what does a 15-66mm lens do?
Portrait Photography will require a good camera, some lights and or reflectors and maybe some backdrops. Getting an Advanced camera will not give you the control you will want for portrait work. I do portraits with a Sony a200 and get Great results. To start in at entry level D-SLR...look at the:
Sony a300
Canon XS
Nikon D60
They are slightly higher than your budget but you will not regret the choice. Also BestBuy often have these on sale and with special bundles.
A 15-66mm lens is a type of telephoto lens. There should also be a number for f-stop..such as f/4 – 5.6 (or similar). This lens you be better suited for macro work and floral. It could be used for portrait on the long end (50-66). A good portrait lens would be 18-70mm for indoors and a 35-200mm for out doors.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM