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taping football games from press box

i need to tape football games from press box .which recorder would be best suited for this ?
Most of the press boxes I've seen are usually up high and way at the back. This presents some video recording challenges. The main one being distance from the field. Get a camcorder that has the highest Optical Zoom. A high digital zoom will give you a unwanted “Jaggy” look and no detail. The Canon FS11 would be a good choice with its 37x Optical Zoom. It is available online only. You can read more about by following this link:
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Do i need a special program or cable?

How can i download a home video from my Sonny DVD Camcorder to my computer?
DvD Camcorders are tricky to edit with. The theory being since it is already a DvD that you go directly from camera to player and watch on TV. If a DvD camcorder has a USB port it is usually for exporting the photos from the memory. One way to get the video on your computer is with DvD Ripping software. There are many programs for this. Some are easy to use but generally they are complicated and take a long time to convert the footage. The easiest way is to get a Dazzle from Pinnacle to capture the footage on a computer. It connects by USB and gives you a Audio Video input to patch your camera into so you can record the footage.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Are some cameras not compatible with all computers

Some cameras when connected directly to a computer with a USB cable might have some compatibility issues. Differences in operating systems (Vista, XP, Win2000, Mac OS) may require patches or updates.
A multi card reader would pretty much take of this and free up the camera. As for the image file itself, almost all cameras now use standard J-Peg format for storage that is readable on all computer systems.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

good nighttime pics

I am looking for a digital camers that take good outdoor pictures at nighttime? Any recomendations?
Most cameras will want to use a flash for night time shooting because of the Auto setup in Compact Cameras. Digital-SLR cameras give you the most control in night time and low light shooting conditions. With the ability to add faster lenses (lets more light in), increasing the ISO (Sensitivity of the sensor) and Manual Shutter control (how long you can keep the Shutter open) night shooting becomes easy and fun. You don't have to have a fast lens for night shooting....just increasing the ISO and Shutter length will get really good results too. Google “Low Light Photography” to get tips on this kind of photography.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

After recording in AVCHD can I make a SD video?

I purchased a Sony HDR-SR11 Handycam and the Sony VRD-MC5 DVD recorder. I need to get my DVD's to a lower quality until I can buy a DVD player that is AVCHD compatible. Is this possible?
From what I can tell....yes. The Sony VRD-MC5 DVD can copy to DvD from ANY source. Just connect using the A/V (Audio Video) cables to copy in SD (Standard Definition) from an HD (High Definition) source. If you use a AVCHD video from a Memory Stick in the built in card reader it will just copy the file to a Disk that will play in HD on a Blu-Ray player. This will most likely happen when you connect using the USB cable too. When you connect using the A/V connections the video would be dropped down to SD.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Nikon Digital SLR camera

I want to buy a Nikon Digital SLR camera and is little confused amongst D40, D60, D80 and D90.

This is my first SLR camera although I've been using Digital camera for years. Although I've knowledge of maunual features but haven't used SLR camera's ever.

Can u help me decide the right Digital SLR camera model for me.
Well...the Nikon D40 is the smallest Megapixel in the group at 6.1 mp. The D60 bumps up to 10.2 with the same bit depth (color information). The D80 seems to have less features that the D60 with both having the same Megapixels. The D90 comes in with the best features over all. 12.3 Megapixels, 11-area autofocus , better frame rate at 4.5fps (frames per second) vs the others at 3fps. This is needed if you ever do any sports or action photography (including dance photography). Bigger LCD at 3” and higher pixels at 920,000 vs 230,000 and 2.5” on the others. A MUCH sharper image on the screen. Live View composition and brilliant playback of the D90's cinematic-quality 24-fps HD D-Movie mode. The D90 also uses a CMOS sensor which is more energy efficient than the CCD used in the others. This will give you longer battery life.

Based on the specs... the D90 would be the better choice. As a first time D-SLR buyer you might feel you out grow the D40 pretty fast...the D40x will be a little better but you wont outgrow the D90 for a long time.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Canon Lens

Does Telephoto Lens of Canon Powershot A70 (small digital camera)is compatible with new canon SLR camera. I already have a Canon Powershot A70 and want to buy a new SLR camera.
The “Lens” on the Canon A70 cannot be removed. This is a compact camera and the lens is permanently attached. There are other types of lenses that can be attached to the A70 like wide angel adapters and telephotos but the thread will be to small to mount on a D-SLR camera.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What do you do when Playback doesnt work properly?

I just bought a new camcorder. they play back part has lines that go through the video?? What do i do?
If it is a Tape based camcorder it is more likely a clogged head or in the worst case a broken head. If it is a Hard drive or Flash based it might be faulty firmware corrupting the file. Dvd could be same sort of thing. If it is only on the LCD screen and not the output from the A/V (Audio Video) cables then the screen is faulty. Best thing is to take it to your nearest BestBuy and let the Geek Squad take a look.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Digital SLR-Canon or Nikon

I want to buy a digital SLR camera preferably either Canon or Nikon. I have used digital camera before but this is my first SLR. Can you recommend me a good model which gives good pictures and is value for money.
I shoot with Sony a200 and a700 and very happy with both. I have also used Canon Xt, XTi and 40D. Very good cameras. Several friends have Nikon D40, D70 and D300 and they swear by them. The thing about cameras is the same as cars...everyone thinks the Brand they use is the best. If you don't have money invested in Lenses than you get a fresh start. The 3 leaders seem to be Canon, Nikon and Sony (the new kid in the D-SLR market). I would recommend trying the Canon XS and XSi, Nikon D60 and D80, and Sony a300 and a350. These are entry level cameras priced good for first time D-SLR camera owners and will be great daily shooters. They will also be good backup camera for when you are ready to step up to the Pro series of cameras.
Try taking a memory card with you to your nearest BestBuy and shoot a few photos with the above cameras then view them at home, see which images you like best and what camera feels good in YOUR hand.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

which to buy

the canon fs100 flash camcoder. is this better than hard drive recorders. i want to playback on my tv
Hard Drive based camcorders and Flash Drive based are very similar in function and features. The Flash Based just have memory ONLY and you have to either clear the memory or change to an empty stick for long recordings. Most of the Hard Drive based systems now offer the choice of recording to the Flash memory or Hard Drive and some only use the Flash for Photos storage. The Hard Drive camcorders can be a little more expensive over Flash based. Both types have A/V (Audio Video) Outputs to connect to a TV for viewing.
15 years, 8 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM