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What are advantages of SLR vs point & shoot?

There are so many advantages, many of which have already been mentioned. Creative control, unlimited zoom with interchangeable lenses, larger sensor for a sharper more detailed photo, shooting in low light, much longer battery life ( this is shorter if you get a D-SLR with Live View and use Live View all the time), stronger flash, faster continuous shooting speed....the list goes on and on. Compact cameras are good for that “out of the pocket” shot. You may get or may not get a wonderful photo. The D-SLR camera is for when you always want to make sure you get a perfect photo...not just a snap-shot.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

I was looking at purchasing the Sony A200K to take picutres of sporting events, but would it also be a good all around camera?

The camera I currently have is way too slow and when I purchased it I was told that I would have no problems with action pictures. I was looking at a camera in that price range and would also be interested in the package deal with the 75-300mm lens. Would this be a good camera for what I am looking for or could you suggest one that would be a better camera?
I use a Sony a200 as my daily carry around camera. I goes everywhere with me and I shot something everyday with it. I have shot sporting events with it and a faster “Burst” mode would helpful. The a200 is an entry level D-SLR so the frames per second speed is not as high as a pro range camera. You may want to look at the a350 which is a 14.1megapixel (compared to the a200 @ 10.2 megapixel) and a little faster Burst speed frame rate(almost 3fps). The a700 would be better due the the fact that it is more on the Pro level and has the faster frame rate(5fps).
Getting the 75-300mm is really a good idea for sports photography. It will make getting the tight shots from the side lines MUCH easier.
And the image stabilization built into the camera body is a big plus.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Which camcorder are the toughest in terms of wear and tear?

I have owned Hi8 digital and Mini DV in the past and somehow the gears inside that moves the tape will eventually fail. I need to buy a new one.
Loading mechanisms are usually the first things to cause problems with tape based camcorders. It is hard to say one brand is better over another. Sony, Canon, JVC and Panasonic are work horses. Very durable, they have been in the video business a long time. But....moving parts wear out. ALL Brands are susceptible to this.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Do you sell a cable for date transfer of pictures from your camera (Kodak Easyshare C530) to your computer?

Not sure I understand your question. If you want to transfer the “data” most cameras use USB cables. The connection on the camera may vary from brand to brand and model to model, check the connection with the camera before you purchase. If you are speaking of the “Date”, that information is embedded in the photo information and is transferred with the data along with shutter information, ISO, amount of zoom used,..ect. This information can be viewed in most photo and image programs under image info or file info.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Vista home premium compatible

Are cameras that are vista compatible with home basic also compatible with home premium?
They should be. Home Premium has some added features but the basic drivers should be the same. If there is any issues...check for Microsoft updates and updated drivers or patches at the Cameras manufacturers site.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Why do only certain pictures download?

Unless there is a corruption or bad areas in the memory all photos should download. When you have taken photos and transferred all of them always Re-Format the memory not just Delete pictures. Formating will insure that the images a kept in one continuous file.
Some cameras also allow you to “Lock” photos as an erasure prevention safety. This may be found in the menu area.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What is the MM SLR lens equivalent of a digital 6x optical zoom?

My wife wants an SLR digital camera for taking distant pictures, but I do not think she willl end up using it due to the large lens that she will want to use. 1 gentleman told me that a 300MM SLR lens is the same as a 6x Optical zoon lense on a regular digital camera. Is this correct?
The “X” factor of zoom on camcorders and compact cameras is approximate. The sensor on compact cameras are very small, about the size of a dime. The sensor on D-SLR cameras are much bigger, slightly larger than a nickel. Most lenses are designed off the 35mm film equivalent. The image sensor on most D-SLRs are actually smaller than 35mm, so you would have to take 300mm * 1.6 (average sensor size) then divide by 50, which gives you 480 / 50 = 9.6X factor.
Keep in mind this is OPTICAL ZOOM there is no DIGITAL ZOOM on D-SLR cameras. With doublers and larger lenses she will get sharp beautiful photos from a much longer distance.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Which digital camera?

Today i'm buying my first digital camera but the only problem is : I dont know which one. I did the research on so many and still don't know wich to buy. The price that I can afford is up to 150$.Help woul be appreciated. I'm thinking between Kodak easy share or Samsung.
They both have similar specs for the models under $150. Both start with 3x optical zoom. When looking for a camera it is best to get the most Optical zoom before Digital zoom starts in. As a first Digital Camera either of these should be fine, however you will find yourself wanting more zoom capability.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Question about Dazzle

I was recommended by a Best Buy associate the Dazzle to convert the mini tapes of my camcorder to DVD. According to the instructions & website, I should be able totransfer directly to the DVD & not have to burn it to my computer first. The proble, is that it will only burn to the "hard disk" and keeps telling me that my (new) DVD-R is no good? Any thoughts, I am so frustrated!
There is many things that could cause this error. 1) Make sure you are using the correct type of DvD. Your burner may be either DvD-R or DvD+R, make sure you have the correct disk for that burner. If it is a DvD-R/+R you should be able to use BOTH types of disks. 2) You may be putting the disk in a CD burner not a DvD Burner. The Dazzle must have a DvD Burner present, not just a DvD Player, to work and the disk must be in the DvD Burner. 3) The model of DvD Burner you have installed may not be supported. Check for Dazzle update for latest version. I am not sure if the Dazzle works with DvD Ram. 4) Use a good quality brand of blank DvD. Cheap brands can sometimes have a lot of burning issues.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

can i take still phottographs as well as video?

i want to buy a combo digicam as well cam corder so it will help me take both videos and still fotos with one there any like that?
Almost all camcorders will take photos. Some will add a still image to the video that lasts about 10 seconds and if the camcorder has a memory card it can store it as an image file. The quality of a camcorder photo is OK but not as good as a photo from an actual digital camera. Also the photo is limited to the video screen resolution.
16 years, 2 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM