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which cameras dont make clicking noise when taking pictures? also,whichcameras can be set to not flash?
Almost all cameras can be set to silent mode. That is no click and beeps and chimes. This usually is found in the menu area. As for turning off the flash, if you get a compact camera you might not have an option to turn this off. Compact cameras make ALL decisions for you and it wants a flash it is going to use it. If it can disabled it you might find that option in the menu area also. If you get a Advanced or Digital-SLR you get to make the decisions. Just set the camera in anything but “Auto” that way you can decide if you want the Flash to fire or not.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

analog hi-8 and digital hi-8

i use my sister's sony digital hi-8 camcorder but found out later that my samsung analog camcorder would'nt playback the tape.vice versa,our tape recorded on samsung when played back on that digital cam run nicely on tv,but on its lcd display the picture was really distorted,will this pose a problem transferring the tape to dvd?thanks a lot.!
Video shot on a Digital 8 will not play back on a Standard Hi8 camcorder. They are two totally different and incompatible formats. All you will probably see is snow on the LCD screen. Most Digital 8's will play back Hi8 and 8mm analog tapes. They do a conversion for you. Tapes recorded in Extended mode for longer record times may have a little problem playing back. As to the distortion on the LCD screen, if the video looks correct on the TV using the A/V (Audio Video) outputs from the camcorder your transfer to a stand alone DvD recorder should look fine.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

which digital camera has a video feature that can be transfered to dvd?

Im looking for a camera that takes good quality pictures as well as taking videos that i can transfer onto a blank dvd.
Many of the Digital Cameras can take video (Movie Mode). This is a feature that is found in Compacts up to Advanced. You will not generally find it in Digital-SLR cameras. Most movie modes are limited to 640x480 resolution (Standard 4:3 resolution is 720x480) and there is frame rate vs resolution restrictions. Record lengths can vary also. Some Advanced cameras can record 1hr or 4gb, which ever comes first. Most compacts are limited to 30sec length and 320x240 resolution, mostly suited for e-mail sending. The actual quality on the Advanced cameras is surprisingly good and is usually in a standard .avi format so it could be transferred to a DvD easily by conversion to mpeg2. Stop by your nearest BestBuy and look at the Advanced Digital Cameras, you'll find what your looking for there.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM


i am looking for a camcorder that records when i am out but when i get home i want to watch it i just want to be able to take the dvd out and put it in my dvd player and watch and i dont want to spend a lot of money
please help
All of the DvD Camcorders should do this. Just finalize the recording so it will play back on other units. Canon, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony all have models available under $400.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Playing back 8mm digital tapes

I have hours video on digital 8mm tapes. I need a new camera. Are they still making cameras that use this format? If not, do I need to purchase some sort of playback unit AND a new camera? Help!
NEW Digital 8 camcorders or getting trickier to find. There are many sources for finding good used units. There is also Digital 8 decks as an option. You wont need both, just either a camcorder or a playback deck.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Can I transfer 8mm to dvd with adapter?

I have a busted 8mm camcorder and a library full of home video I would like to transfer to dvd. I have a dvd/vcr recorder combo. Is there a product available that would adapt my 8mm to vcr so that I can transfer them?
There is no adapter that will change 8mm to fit in a vhs player. The tape inside the cassette is of a different size and the recording is of a incompatible format. The best thing to do is to try and find a Digital 8 camcorder. This will allow you to play back both 8 and Hi8 tapes. Since the camcorder is digital it will also covert the footage so you can edit it on a computer. Transferring from the camcorder to DvD will be easy by just plugging into a stand alone DvD recorder with the A/V (Audio Video) cables.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

which camera is best for editing

i need to make a highlight reel but i dont know which cameras allow for editing and copying to DVD format.
Most of the consumer range camcorders should come with a basic editing software. Windows also has some very usable editing programs. The easiest format to edit from is miniDV, that is assuming your computer has a firewire (IEEE 1394) connection on it. Once the footage is on the computer you can edit it and if your computer has a DvD burner, you can burn the DvD right there. If it does not, you can output the finished project back to the camcorder. All camcorders should have a A/V (Audio Video) output that you can plug into a stand alone DvD recorder to make copies of your video.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

what is the best camera for still life shots

in a low light,and up close
When doing Close Up or Macro shooting you do need as much light as you can get. If you are very close to your subject you are generally blocking the light source. If you are Zooming in with a telephoto lens you are reducing your usable light by several f-stops. A Digital-SLR will help with these issues. Compact cameras have a small diameter lens that does not gather very much light and have very limited optical zoom. The D-SLR has unlimited zoom and Larger lenses that will gather lots of light and give you a sharper picture. There are lenses specifically designed fro macro photography. You can also use a light box to put your subject into for photographing. Avoid using a flash, a flash will over light and wash out your subject when doing this kind of photographing.
Another technique if your subject is stagnant (not moving at all) and will give you a great looking photo is by using a low ISO (100 iso) and using a wired remote and tripod. Dim the lighting and set your camera to a small aperture ( start around f/9 -11) and a shutter speed of 1/10 of a second. These are just starting numbers. You will have to adjust both numbers up or down to get the desired exposure. This will give you warm colors and a more natural look. The tripod is to insure that the camera is stable and the wired remote is so you don't have to touch the camera to take the photo. At this slow of a shutter speed it will pick up the vibration of pushing the button on the camera and cause a blurry photo.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

what is the difference between panoramic and wide-angle lens ?

some cameras have a panoramic mode but not a wide-angle lens... what is the difference ?
Do you need both thngs to take a panoramic picutre?
There is a difference between the two.
A wide angle lens has a wider field of view on both sides of the photographer and will give a very slight curve to straight perspective lines. Also, objects closer to lens will look VERY large.
Panoramic mode on digital cameras is a special mode for taking multiple shots that are “Stitched together” using software that will give you long picture. This will give you up to a 360 degree image around the photographer. Most cameras will show you the previous image on the LCD screen to help you line up the next photo.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Hi8 to digital?

Currently have an old Hi8 camcorder and tapes. Want to covnert Hi8 to digital in order to use Mover Maker. Any suggestions as to make and model?
If you can find it, a Digital 8 will play back your Hi8 tapes and will allow you to capture the footage directly to a computer using a Firewire (IEEE 1394) cable. The camcorder acts like a digital bridge and converts for you. There is also the Dazzle that you can plug the A/V (audio video) cables from you old camcorder into and connect the Dazzle to your computer that will allow digital conversion too.
16 years, 4 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM