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I need a USB cord for my Sony MHS-CM1 Webbie Camera?

You could bring your camera to your nearest BestBuy and find a mini USB cable that will fit or follow this link to order a replacement from Sony:
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

How can i get an audio/video cable for my Panasonic PV-GS80 camcorder?

I can not find a digital a/v cable for my Panasonic PV-GS80 camcorder anywhere. I believe it is a 6pin to 4 pin cable.
The Panasonic PV-GS80 uses a 1/8 inch A/V cable. This cable is available at you nearest BestBuy.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

why is there a lens error message?

i have a Casio Exilim (optical 3x) and it was working perfectly and then all of a sudden it says it has a lens error what does that mean?
This could mean the lens is not extending all the way out. Might be caused by dust or maybe low batteries. You could take it to your neatest BestBuy and let the Geek Squad take a look.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Filters available for Nikon CoolPix P90 Cameras?

Is there a polarizing filter available for Nikon CoolPix P90 Cameras?
There appears to be no threads on lens of the Nikon CoolPix P90 so there may not be a way to attach a filter.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What is the difference?

Besides the megapixels, what is the difference between the Kodak Z950 and Kodak Z915? Which one is the best buy for the money?
Besides being at 12mp the Z950 also shoots 720p HD video in movie mode. The Z950 is much more compact but weighs slightly more.
The Z950 can focus on objects slightly closer to the camera (6cm vs 10cm).
If shooting HD video in movie mode is not important to can save a little money by going with the Z915.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

What is the difference?

Besides the megapixels, what is the difference between the Kodak Z950 and Kodak Z915? Which one is the best buy for the money?
Besides the Z950 being a 12mp camera, it also shoots in 720p HD video in movie mode.
It can shoot objects that are closer to the camera(6cm vs 10cm min. focal distance).
The 950 is much more compact than the Z915 but weighs slightly more than the Z915.
If shooting in HD movie mode is not important to you go with the Z915.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

Taking pictures in unlit places.

What camera characteristic determines the ability of a camera to take excellent photos in places like churches or museums without using a flash?
Low light photos are relatively easy to take with basic equipment and a little camera knowledge.
ISO is the determining factor in how sensitive the sensor is to light. A high ISO number will let you shoot in lower light condition but will make the picture nosier (grainier).
A fast lens...f/1.8 or f/2.8 will also let in more light and allow for use of faster shutter speeds.

You can also use a tripod and lower ISO and slow shutter speeds to do a long exposure. With a little experimenting you will get some people in sharp focus, some with motion blurred and some looking like ghost..all in the same shot. You can even get shots where people are walking around and do not show up in the photo at all.

None of this can be done with a basic compact camera. You need a camera with full manual control and wired remote capable for long exposure type shots. Digital-SLR cameras are best for this.
Things like ISO and shutter speeds can not be set on most compact cameras.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

"reading glass age" problem

At age 57, I can't really see the picture on the screen of my digital camera.. it's all blurry unless I drag out my reading glasses! Is there such a thing as a "magnifier" I can place over that screen so I can see what I'm taking a picture of (without my reading glasses? What's it called, so that I can look for it? Thanks!
Companies like Hoodman and others make a LCD Screen Magnifier.
Do a Googel Search for the size of your screen and add lcd magnifier.
For example... 3" LCD Magnifier. This should get yo some helpful results.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM

HD video to storeage device then through blu ray to tv. Possible?

I would like to use a JVC GZHD320 to record 1080P home movies, store them on a portable hard drive, and play them from the hard drive into a samsung BD1590 blu ray player onto my 1080P Sharp tv. I know I can play video from the camcorder hard drive to the tv or blu ray, but is there a portable 1 to 2 TB hard drive that would be able to do this?
If the JVC GZHD320 stores in AVCHD (.mts) format you can copy the file to a computer and burn a copy of the file directly to a standard DvD disk and the Blu-ray play will play back the file straight from disk.
Some Everio camcorders use a .MOD file that will need the camera to play back. Copying just a copy of a file to a hard drive will not get you access to the file without the camcorder or a computer.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM


Shooting the moon with any Digital -SLR is pretty much the same. A 300mm lens will get acceptable results, longer lenses of 500mm or more will get more of the frame filled.
A common thought is that because it is a nighttime shot and a long distance object it should be shot with slow shutter speed and high aperture number when the opposite is the case.
In manual mode at 100 ISO. Daylight white balance. Tripod optional.
A fast shutter speed is used to maintain sharpness, the moon is a moving object. It is also a very bright object on a dark background so it doesn't need a long exposure time. Start with a aperture of f/4 and experiment with shutter speeds to get a slightly Under exposed image. Don't go by the camera's metering.
14 years, 5 months ago
Posted by: 
Alamogordo, NM